Here are some graphic tips on how to take the extra precaution of protecting your home. Credit
Statistics You Need to Know About Home Burglary
Should I Change or Rekey My Locks?
Changing locks is a simple task that can easily improve the quality of your security whether it be in your home, office space, other properties etc. For example if you are moving into a home that was once inhabited by others, it’s always wise to change or rekey the locks to further insure the protection… Continue reading Should I Change or Rekey My Locks?
10 Locksmith Secrets That Will Blow Your Mind
At Locksmith Pembroke Pines there are many professional technicians that are skilled to conquer any lockout or break-in situation. This of course you already know. What you may not know are our locksmithing secrets. Do Not Believe Your Car Dealer Your car dealer may say that they are the only ones who can duplicate keys,… Continue reading 10 Locksmith Secrets That Will Blow Your Mind
The Gross Truth About Locksmiths
Locksmithing is definitely a professional profession that requires a lot of skill and tact. What you may not realize is that locksmithing is more than the professional aspect. Locksmiths such as those at Locksmith Coconut Creek enter peoples lives in the most peculiar times and help out in the strangest of all all situations. Many… Continue reading The Gross Truth About Locksmiths
How Locksmiths Rescued Animals Subjected to Abuse
Before you read this story, I would just like to state that it is an extremely sad one but it has with a happy ending. People can be very forgetful forgetting things here and there but when it comes to forgetting something you love, it can be tough. Even if the moment only lasts a… Continue reading How Locksmiths Rescued Animals Subjected to Abuse
5 Different Lingerie Sets That May Require A Locksmith Visit
These are the 5 most common lingerie sets primarily made out of metal that may or may not require a visit from a locksmith by the end of the night. Take a word of advice from us locksmiths- If you decide to purchase these ‘outfits’ and use them recreationally, please be aware of when you… Continue reading 5 Different Lingerie Sets That May Require A Locksmith Visit
A Locksmith Story That Will Actually Make You Feel Sick
I am a locksmith technician at Locksmith Coral Springs meaning that I get to see a lot of interesting and non conventional things in my day. I may come to the rescue during a scandal or an unbelievably embarrassing moment. Yet, considering all the interesting journeys Locksmith Coral Springs has taken me on- this one… Continue reading A Locksmith Story That Will Actually Make You Feel Sick
3 Stories From A Locksmith’s Diary That Will Change Your Perspective of Today
You may or you may not realize that locksmiths enter people’s lives in times of stress, panic and embarrassment. So, us locksmiths would like to share some of our adventures with you. Advisory for Handcuffs So one Tuesday I’m sitting around in our locksmith shop. It’s a slow Tuesday as many Tuesday’s seem to be,… Continue reading 3 Stories From A Locksmith’s Diary That Will Change Your Perspective of Today
The Top 5 Crazy Situations A Locksmith Has Found Himself In
Being a locksmith I have the privilege of entering peoples lives in the most awkward times, doing the most awkward things. I would really like to share some of these stories with you as many of them are really quite unbelievable. I love my job and the excitement it brings me every day so I… Continue reading The Top 5 Crazy Situations A Locksmith Has Found Himself In